From Fear to Action as a Solopreneur
Today I want to talk about what stops us from achieving many of our business goals and dreams.
It isn't time, talent, experience or for lack of ideas.
It's fear.
The fear that we will fail, fear of being laughed at, fear of not liking what is on the other side...we have so many fears when it comes to business.
Today I was watching the replay of a webinar on Facebook ads and the host shared from his audience surveys the #1 reason business owners don't start their ads is fear of doing it wrong.
I can relate, I have a lot of fears in business too. Mine aren't around Facebook ads, but it just showed me we can all be afraid of different things.
That the fear is what is normal, but that at some point we need to get past the fear and try things.
On this webinar the speaker said the antidote to fear is action.
He gave us all homework - a small action to take and said our assignment was to shoot for B- level work and share it in the group.
The perfectionists in the group likely freaked out, but I get it. Our first attempt at anything brand new and hard is going to be B- level work if we are lucky.
And that is ok, because in business we start out bad and gradually get better. This isn't school with grades, this is real life and that is how real life works.
80% right/done/out in the world is better than 0.
I love this quote by author, Tara Mohr, so much that it is now that "Playing Big" is my Word of the Year. More about that here on the blog.
"Playing big is being more loyal to your dreams than to your fears."
I'm working on overcoming my fears and that starts by having a guiding word to help push me forward.
If a Word of the Year for your business goals is what you need, the self-study workbook is available for purchase here.
Thanks for reading. If you want to share your thoughts on fears in business or would like to share your Word of the Year, I'd love to hear from you.
Simply send me a note at hello @
P.S. If you think a Word of the Year is only a Dec/Jan activity, I'd like to dispel that myth.
I choose my word back in October, because the previous word had served a purpose and it was time for a new direction. This is a tool I encourage you to use on your schedule at any time of year.