Is Business Clutter Holding you Back?

Is your business sending you into a tailspin of overwhelm and stress?

What if you could have a business that serves your bigger dreams and purpose?

I think you can, but first, you need to do the work of decluttering your business.

There are 3 areas of clutter that need to be addressed.
1. Digital Clutter
2. Physical Clutter
3. Mindset
Read below for details on each type.

Want help decluttering your business? Contact me today for a consultation.


Ugh, the bottomless inbox of offers, the library of courses you paid for and never finished, the social accounts you follow that just give you FOMO....

Digital clutter sends us spinning in different directions every day and not toward our goals.

First, start small and commit to deleting or unsubscribing from 1-2 sources of digital clutter each morning.

Pretty soon, you will have a less overwhelming inbox, time to complete a course, and actually get things accomplished.

Decluttering your business is the path to a business that serves your purpose and dreams.

physical clutter for business graphic


Are all those products, samples, packing materials, and stuff from past projects holding you back?

You know the stuff that literally fills up your storage, office, and online storefront but that is actually cash tied up in inventory?

It might be time to declutter the physical inventory that is distracting you and interrupting your cash flow.

Tell me what physical clutter is stopping you from having the business that serves your bigger purpose and WHY?

mental clutter and mindset graphic

Watch my video on why I recommend Decluttering Your Business as the place to start to reduce overwhelm and stress.

Your business mindset is the key to success.

The first step to address is the mental clutter that is creating overwhelm in your business.

These can be identified as:

All the tasks on your to-do lists that never get done and create.

The worst source of mental clutter is actually the true Mindset issue - it is the judgment you hear, feel or projections from others

-that you are a failure
-that you don’t have a real job
-that this is a waste of your time
-or that your business isn’t a real business

Your business is important and valid and you need a support system and education that gives you the tools to succeed.

If evolving and changing your mindset is something you want to work on, I recommend you start with my free private podcast where I explore e-commmerce mindset in-depth with real store owners.


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