Leveraging Reviews in Your Product-Based Business

I believe that product reviews are the #1 most under-utilized and under-valued assets in your product-based business.

As a product-based business you should have reviews but are you using them to their full advantage and potential?

As an e-commerce coach who has worked with hundreds of ecommerce sellers , I can confidently say that 95% of you are ignoring one of the most valuable assets in your business - Customer REVIEWS! 

Does this sound like You?

I have worked with hundreds of ecommerce sellers across all niches and I can confidently say that most of them see product reviews as a box to be checked.

Do I have a reviews app on my site? - yes. DONE

A more established e-commerce seller might use their reviews in a few ways, such as in the occasional marketing e-mail or as part of their welcome series.

You might create a few pretty Canva graphics for social media and post the once in a while.

These are all great ideas, but they aren’t truly leveraging the gold that are reviews.

What if, instead you started viewing customer reviews as one of the most valuable assets in your business, up there in the top 3 with your IP (intellectual property), email list and customer reviews?

What if you could turn Customer reviews into Sales?

I promise you this is possible, and I will be teaching you how in my upcoming practical mini-course.

A Method for Product Based Businesses to Maximize Marketing and Selling with Reviews”

In this practical, 10 part mini- course I will teach you the following: 

How to use your reviews to turn your customers into your best sales people!

  1. Why you should care about reviews and why the are one of the most valuable assets in your business

  2. What reviews platforms I recommend and why. 

  3. How to collect more reviews, on auto-pilot.

  4. How to showcase reviews on your website. 

  5. How to collect reviews for new products. 

  6. Gleaning insights from reviews. 

    1. How to deal with the dreaded bad reviews

    2. What we can learn from our best reviews (BONUS WORD CLOUD)

  7. How to use reviews for easy copywriting. (subject lines)

  8. How to use reviews as a content generating machine. (UGC, auto-posting, email)

  9. Why reviews are an SEO secret weapon. 

  10. Paid Advertising strategies leveraging reviews. 

BONUS: Learn how to create a reviews word cloud and what to do with the information*

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