Understanding the Enneagram for entrepreneurs

Discover how understanding your Enneagram type can transform your solopreneur journey. Many female ecommerce owners struggle to align their strengths with business goals, creating roadblocks to growth. Learn how to overcome these challenges and lean into your full potential.

— In This Article —

    My goal for this series is to take the amazing insights of the enneagram typing system and use them as a tool to help you better understand yourself as a small business owner and make progress toward your big dreams and goals. 

    We can’t expect to make big leaps and progress without first understanding what we excel at and what holds us back. The enneagram is an excellent way to achieve this knowledge.

    My Enneagram Journey

    This project came about when I attended a retreat for 6- figure female entrepreneurs as a coach. Over a magical weekend of business growth and insights the topic of our Enneagram numbers came up. At the time I knew very little about the enneagram and was actually a bit of a skeptic.

    After hearing the detailed and insightful things these women knew about themselves through their number, I quickly understood how each number correlated to how they ‘showed up’ in different aspects of their businesses, everything from their business model to customer interactions, marketing and operations. I could see why some areas were a struggle and others were effortless and allowed for their business to grow and thrive. 

    In the weeks that followed I dove deep into the enneagram and found all the connections between my e-commerce coaching clients and their numbers. This series is the culmination of my research, personal interviews and business coaching experience. 

    How to Start with the Enneagram as a Business Owner

    Reading about the Enneagram and your business is not enough. To really make progress you need to challenge yourself and spend some time reflecting and thinking about how you can make your business stronger with this information.

    Understanding your enneagram profile is a way I recommend my clients uncover their motivations, set big goals and achieve big business goals. 

    If you don’t know your enneagram number, start by reading about each type and see if you can identify a few numbers that feel like a fit for you. From there you can take a typing test for a more detailed profile.

    If you want a great overview of the enneagram, read my interview with my friend Amanda who is enneagram trained, I’ve learned so much from her experiences and expertise.

    Written by Tina Bar

    eCommerce Strategist and Mindset Coach

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