Your Enneagram Number and Business

Are you a fan of personality tests?

I love them! I always discover something new about myself and a new way of understanding others.


The latest one I've gotten into is the Enneagram. The premise is it is based on your core motivations including fears and desires.

Mine feels very aligned with who I am and the career I've built for myself. I am a 2w3 Type - The Host

Per the typing company my type is described as:

People who identify as enneagram type twos with a three wing primarily identify as type twos, but share some characteristics with type threes. They tend to be ambitious, altruistic, and sociable in their behavior. They love building connections with others and helping to make a difference in the world.

I'd love to know, does your number feel aligned to you?

If you don't know your # you can find lots of free tests online.

My favorite account to learn more about it is here @enneagramashton

If you know your number or are interested in the Enneagram, I'd love to know your number and hear your thoughts on it in the comments!


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